Calculate the shortest route available to reach the Santa Margherita Palace & Spa by inserting your departure point in our interactive map.
From the A10/A1 motorways, take the Rapallo exit, take the Rapallo Centro junction and continue towards Santa Margherita Ligure. At the roundabout, head towards Largo Giusti and then take Via Roma.
The hotel is accessible on foot from the Central Station, via Piazza Nobile and then Via Roma. Alternatively, you can take a taxi.
From Genoa Airport, join the A10 at Genova Aeroporto and continue towards Livorno. Take the Rapallo exit and continue towards Santa Margherita Ligure. At the roundabout, head towards Largo Giusti and then take Via Roma. If you're travelling by bus, take the AMT bus to Stazione Genova Brignole, and then continue by train to Santa Margherita Ligure.